Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Mini Marathon

People keep asking me what my new years resolution is.  I don't want to come across as pessimistic because my nature is that of an optimist, but I actually didn't make a resolution this year. That's a first for me.  I always make a resolution, even if its silly.  The winter after Andy I moved back from Chicago, I wanted to prove how tough the mid-west winters had made me, so I resolved not to wear anything but my raincoat that winter.  I think I made it to mid-February - longer than some of my resolutions :). 

Since it feels pessimistic for me not to resolve to change something this year, I decided on New Year's Eve, as I was reflecting on this upcoming year, that I would celebrate my new year on March 7, 2012.  I plan to make my resolution then, post-Herb.  Maybe we will even have a party and drink champagne.

As we get closer to the surgeries, my thoughts are jumbled and distracted.  My mind won't turn off and I feel like it's running a marathon.  I typically crawl out of bed after an hour to make tea and read.  Andy and I are getting prepared and feel all the wonderful support. 

I'm at peace with our decision, just ready to move beyond the unknowns attached to this.  The engineer in me has always been able to solve for the unknown and maybe this is one of the important lessons I will learn through this journey.  Unknowns don't have to be the scary place on the edge of the map.

Thanks again for all your support and comments.  It means so much to us.


  1. I have champagne in the fridge that I am saving to share with you - I look forward to celebrating your happy new year!

    Maybe we should try to find a meditation class to attend once a week? I'll look into it if you want -

  2. I might have to make a solo trip out there to help you celebrate on March 7th and have a special LNO! Sending you thousands of hugs and a bushel full of love (Kinseyism) from all of us in Chitown. Love you!

  3. I love your Attitude you are a fighter and just a thought when you are feeling better and able to travel you guys should come down here. I have been looking for some one who want to Zip Line down Catalina Island (Lori Cant) we can celebrate by Flying (sort of) Hang in there Girl your Tough and will get through this!
    Praying for you Love Jarvis and Lori
