Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Metal Head - Just the Facts

Andy was very excited to find out that after the surgery, I will officially be a metal head.  I think he wants to believe that along with the titanium screws and plate, the neurosurgeon will replace my love of easy listening with butt rock :).  I'll never get the 80's out of my husband.  I love it.

This email contains the facts about my upcoming procedures.  I have a really wonderful neurosurgeon.  He doesn't seem to be getting tired of the questions I email him every day.  In fact, he always answers within a couple of hours.  It's so comforting.

On January 11, I'm going in for an embolizing angiogram.  I check into the hospital at noon and go in at 1 pm for the angiogram.  The procedure will take between 1 - 2 hours.  They use a scope to map the blood vessels servicing the tumor and also verify how much the tumor has included the sinus vein.  During the procedure they will embolize (glue) any blood vessels they can, so that the neurosurgery is easier.  After the procedure, I have to lay flat on my back for 8 hours and will spend the night in the hospital.

On January 20, I go in for neurosurgery.  This lasts approximately 5 hours (or as long as it takes to safely remove the tumor).  Dr. Ferreira said not to be alarmed if it takes longer and that he will have his assistant call Andy every couple of hours with updates.  I have to check into the hospital at 6:00 am - jez!  I think I'll have Andy take the computer so he can send updates to family and friends.  The doctor won't have to shave my head.  He makes an incision, cuts away my skull, removes the tumor (this part is tricky because of the sinus vein), then puts it all back together with titanium screws and plates. 

Recovery will occur over the next 6 weeks.  I'll be off and taking it easy for 2 weeks at home and then will slowly ramp back up the full time over the next 4 weeks. 

That's the facts as I know them. Tonight for the sake of sleep, I've decided to live in the logical mind.  Tomorrow I'm sure I'll drift back to the emotional.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you keep your easy listening music. I like it All easy to Metal (BUTT Rock). I am still amazed how strong you are being. I know Andy wants you to like the Metal Rock but not the way you will be a "Metal Head". I am Thinking of you Daily and yes Praying Daily. to me your not Just Andy's wife but my Cousin too.
    Love ya Cuz Jarvis
