Monday, January 30, 2012

LONG Update and Braids

I must start by apologizing.  I honestly lost track of time.  My friend, Brandi, reminded me to blog today and I was really surprised when I logged on now and saw that I had not blogged since I was still in the hospital.  Not sure what that says about my recovery or not.

Let me assure you the recovery is going well.  It's slow and steady, which is positive.  I'm not terrific at sitting still, so I've definitely had the blues at times.  Last week I had two bad days and finally just decided to succumb to the tears.  I always forget how far those tears get me toward accepting my limitations and processing all of the emotions I've been able to "handle/stall" because I was on a mission to get through January 20th. 

Herb is gone and I'm healing up.  The surgery went very well according to the surgeon.  He did have to remove a portion of the tumor from the inside of the sinus vein.  An MRI/MRV the night of the surgery confirmed that he removed it all!  The initial pathology report (done during surgery) indicates that the tumor is benign.  They are in the process of completing a more involved pathology now and we should have results soon that confirm the initial diagnosis. 

The tumor had also caused a little swelling of my auxcipital lobe (right eye).  While still in the hospital I started having visual seizures.  These consist of a portion of my right peripheral vision that looses color.  The rest of my vision is not impacted.  The neurosurgeon put me on a seizure medicine and I've had a couple since I came home, but they generally only last 10 - 15 minutes.  I'm hoping I don't have to stay on this medicine for long because it causes insomnia and terrible dreams.  Remember earlier posts where I was daydreaming about sleeping???!!!  UGH!  It's not all bad, I'm reading lots of great books.

I want to say thank you to everyone who came and visited me in the hospital.  All the visitors meant so much to me.  I loved the treats, magazines, company, foot rubs, and hair brushing!  You all spoiled Andy and me.  Thanks also for all the food we have received.  My girls have not complained about a meal since the surgery - I'm starting to get self-conscious about my cooking skills since most meals I cook result in someone crying (either Delaney or Andy).  Hmmmm?

Tomorrow I'm going in to have the staples removed.  I am so excited to be able to really brush my hair again.  I've been rocking the braids for a week.  The girls love it. 

I promise more tomorrow.  I have lots of thoughts to share :).  Thanks for continuing to keep me in your thoughts and for checking in everyday.  The calls and texts are keeping me sane.

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you getting along I know you are frustrated about your Limitations but they are just temporary. and in Due time you will be back to the Normal Steph. I know its tough but Hang in there. been thinking of you a lot lately.
    Love ya Jarvis and Lori
