Monday, January 9, 2012

First Hurdle

The first hurdle is the angiogram on Wednesday, January 11.  I'm nervous.  Mostly I'm nervous about making it to 1:00 pm without coffee!  That's a big deal for me - as most of you know :).  I gave up coffee during both of my pregnancies, but Herb hardly seems worth that sacrafice - even for one day.  

It will be a relief to be past the first hurdle.  I'll be most relieved for Andy.  He has the hard job of sitting there waiting and wondering for two hours.  The procedure is supposed to be at 1:00 (but we aren't too hopeful that it will be on time).  I am anxious just thinking about him because if the roles were reversed.....

I think we are prepared for this first procedure.  I'll be in the hospital overnight, so I doubt I'll blog tomorrow (I've got to get my bag packed and I want to write a note to our girls) or Wednesday.  I hope to post a short blog on Thursday to let folks know how it went and what they were able to ascertain about the tumor's inclusion in the sinus vein. 

Brandi organized our first food delivery today.  We put a bunch of meals in the freezer from friends at work.  It's so wonderful.  I'm overwhelmed with gratitude to our friends and family.  Thank you so much for your generosity.  You all are gifts that we treasure.  My mom and the girls will be thanking you all as they dig in to the first meal on Wednesday. 

I'll blog something on Thursday to let you know I'm home.  I guess I have to take it easy for a couple of days.  I'll take any movie or book recommendations.

Love you all!


  1. Movie recommendation: Midnight in Paris.

    Good luck tomorrow!


  2. FUNNY Book, Lamb by Christopher Moore.

    You're gonna do great tomorrow. One step closer to Herblessness.

