Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happy New Year!

Excuse the long absence from blogging. Feb flew by. I worked a little, relaxed and recovered. We were lucky enough to vacation in Floridia for almost 2 weeks. The beach was beautiful. I swear swimming in the salty gulf helped me heal. I felt like it was a doctor's ordered healing get away (reading Nicholas and Alexandra and the doctors like to tell the to go to the Black Sea for the cure - smart doctors).

I had my last MRI for a year today. It was uncomfortable to lay still for 45 minutes. The pressure on the incision is still very uncomfortable, but no big deal. The MRI showed no signs of Herb or his unwanted cousins. Great news for us. The New Year starts today. I can start exercising and start back to work.

I'm still having visual seizures, so I have to stay on meds for at least 3 more months. Then I'll have an EEG to see if my brain is exhibiting seizure activity. Dr. Ferriera wants to wait 3 months for the test to give my brain a little more time to heal. So worst case I'm on the meds long term....best case only 3 months. Luckily it seems like the majority of the side effect (insomnia and scary dreams) have stopped.

I'm lucky and so thankful for my good news. I know too many people fighting for their lives or watching their loved one's fight. Its humbling to realize that from today forward this is becoming a memory of a fight that I fought and won surrounded and supported by amazing family and friends. For all you out there in your own fights, my love and prayers are with you. I'll never give up hope.

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